Friday, September 23, 2011

the bodyguard movie yg berkurun lama. kevin costner & whitney houston. sy tertengok masa last week. seronok la gak. maklum la citer lama2 kan. walaupon x der sejarah yg berkaitan but it's just to enjoy myself.

ICELT 2011

international conference on english language teaching 2011

ritu sy pegi conference ni la. 18-20 september 2011. anjuran UPM. buat kt swiss garden hotel and spa kt lumut. mmg unexpected la of the place. very remote. pastu jln dia tu, about 3 km la, bengkang-bengkok. jln sempit. selisih ngan bas..huuu...mntak simpang la...ngeri jer.

overall d conference is not well organized. too many presenters and participants. pastu room for presentations mcm x cukup. lots of changes. in terms of venue and presenters. pastu lagi ada ka patut depa (pihak penganjur) during registration, dh siap2 bg sijil penyertaan. masa sy register tu ada gak terlintas mcm nk balik awai hehe. maklum la dh attend conference kan...

another problem is lalat ... masyaAllah... baaaanyaknyer. ari2 dok fight over the flies ja. huhu.

but the good side of this conference was the villa. haha. villa semi-D. wahhh so luxurious. masa 1st day smpai tu sy bwk azwa ngan aimi. diaorg mandi dlm bath tub...x nak kuar. huhu.

however, dpt jugak ilmu tu sket2. especially during plenary. mmg bagus la org2 tu. very energetic, byk ideas. hrp2 sy akan terkesan la dgn apa yg sy dpt kt situ. amin.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

mak saya..

ari ni dh start keje balik after 12 days of cuti and convention. fuhh...rasa mcm org baru pindah tmpt keje. lost in the middle of work place. ntah la.

cuti. sebab jaga mak kt hospital. mak sy sakit dh lama. terlalu lama. lama dok hospital. almost sebulan. masa sy balik ritu, dokter discharged mak sy tp sempat semlm saja kt umah. d next mornin hantaq masuk emergency, masuk wad balik. owh...frustnyer sy. sy harapkan buleh la sy jaga mak kt umah. xpa la.

since then mak mcm lost hope. she always depend on the h20. dia ckp bernafas x puas x dak dat thing. according to the doctor, they have done what they should do. now mak kena try sendiri. in order to kembangkan paru2 mak, dia kena bernafas naturally. slowly. one of the doctor said my mother is depressed. bukan penat @susah bernafas as she claimed.

sy susah ati. nampak mcm hepi. sy hanya mampu berdoa. sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui. Dia pencipta manusia. kita akan balik pada Allah jugak satu ari nnt.